Shipping Terms Glossary
- Cabotage
- CAIN (Customs Assigned Importer Number)
- CAIN (海關指定進口商編號)
- Cargo Bays
- Cargo Declaration Amendment Fee (CAM)
- Cargo Insurance
- Cargo Manifest
- Cargo Ready Date (CRD)
- Cargo Ready Date (CRD)
- Carriage of Goods By Sea Act (COGSA)
- Carrier
- Carrier bill of Lading (CBL)
- Carrier bill of Lading (CBL)
- Carrier's Certificate
- Cartage
- Cash flow return on investment (CFROI)
- Cash on Delivery (COD)
- CBM ( Cubic Meter )
- CBP (Customs and Border Protection)
- CDS (Customs Declaration Service)
- Cell
- Certificate of Free Sales (CFS)
- Certificate of Origin
- CES (Centralized Examination Station)
- CFS (Container Freight Station)
- CFS (Container Freight Station) Cut-off
- CFS (Container Freight Station) Fee
- Change of Destination (COD )
- Chassis
- Chassis Fee
- Chassis Pool
- Chassis Split
- CHED (Common Health Entry Document)
- Chinese New Year (CNY)
- CITES | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
- Claim Tracer
- Clean On Board
- Clean Truck Fee
- Client Access Licence (CAL)
- Co-Loader
- Codabar
- Code 128
- Code 3 of 9
- Code 3 of 9
- Code 93
- Code 93
- Code 93
- Collapsible Flat Rack Container (COFL)
- Combined Transport Bill of Lading
- Commerce Control List (CCL)
- Commercial Invoice
- Commodity
- Common Carrier
- Common Tariff
- Company Guarantee
- Compliance Assessment
- Conference
- Congestion Surcharge (CON)
- Consignee
- Consignor
- Consolidation
- Consular Invoice
- Container
- Container Cleaning Fee (CCL)
- Container Depot / Container Yard (CD/CY)
- Container Freight Station (CFS)
- Container Load Plan (CLP)
- Container Load Plan (CLP)
- Container on Flat Car (COFC)
- Container Seals
- Container Service Charge
- Container Yard (CY)
- Continuous Customs Bond
- Continuous Flow Distribution (CFD)
- Continuous Replenishment Program (CRP)
- Contract Carrier
- Contract Logistics (CL)
- Contract of Carriage
- Control
- Core Competency
- Cost and Freight (CFR/CNF/C&F)
- Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ)
- Cost, Assurance and Freight (CAF)
- Countervailing Duties
- Country of Origin
- Critical Success Factor (CSF)
- Critical to Customer (CTC)
- Critical to Quality (CTQ)
- Cross Trade (CT)
- Cross-border E-Commerce
- Cross-Docking
- Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF)
- Customer
- Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS)
- Customs Bond
- Customs Broker
- Customs Clearance
- Customs Entries
- Customs Entry
- Customs Exam
- Customs Exam Fee
- Customs House Broker
- Customs Procedure Codes
- Cut-Off Time
- CY (Container Yard) Cutoff
- Cycle Count
- Cycle Time
- Cycle Time Reduction
- 公共承運人
- 公司担保
- 公司擔保
- 共同健康入境文件
- 共同關稅
- 卡車清潔費
- 原產地證明
- 反补贴税
- 发货人
- 可折疊式平板櫃
- 合規性評估
- 商业管制清单
- 商品
- 商業管制清單
- 客戶訪問許可證
- 底盤
- 底盤分離
- 底盤方
- 底盤費
- 成本控制
- 承運人提單
- 承運商
- 拼箱
- 搬运
- 搬運
- 擁堵附加費 (CON)
- 收貨人
- 春节
- 更改目的地
- 条码
- 核心竞争力
- 沿海運輸
- 洗櫃費
- 海上貨物運送法
- 海上貨運聯載商
- 海關申報服務
- 清潔提單
- 瀕危野生動植物國際貿易公約
- 現金流投資回報
- 發貨人
- 立方米
- 立方米(CBM)
- 索償追踪請求
- 索赔追踪请求
- 美國海關及邊境保護局
- 聯運提單
- 自由銷售證明
- 航運聯盟
- 艙單
- 貨到付款
- 貨櫃
- 貨櫃堆場
- 貨櫃堆場
- 貨櫃服務費
- 貨櫃槽位
- 貨櫃貨物站
- 貨櫃貨物站截止日期
- 貨櫃貨物站費用
- 貨櫃貨運站
- 貨物申報單修改費 (CAM)
- 貨物運輸保險
- 貨艙 (Cargo Bays)
- 货币调整因素
- 货舱
- 车架
- 農曆新年
- 运输合同
- 连续流量分配(CFD)
- 連續流量分配
- 連續海關保函
- 進出口貨物海關處理系統
- 運送人證明
- 集中檢驗站
- 集装箱堆场
- 集装箱装箱单
- 集装箱货站截止日期
- 集装箱货运站 (CFS)
- Show Remaining Articles172 Collapse Articles
- Damco Consolidation Containers (DCC)
- Damco Project Management Methodology (DPMM)
- Dangerous Cargo Service
- Dangerous Goods (DG)
- Dangerous Goods Declaration (DGD)
- Days Payable Outstanding (DPO)
- Days Sales Outstanding (DSO)
- Declared Value Coverage
- Deconsolidation
- Deferment Fee
- Deferment or Postponed VAT Accounting
- Delivered-at-place (DAP)
- Delivery
- Delivery Duty Paid (DDP)
- Delivery Labor Fee
- Delivery Order
- Demand Chain
- Demurrage
- Depth
- Destination Interchange Terminal (DIT)
- Detention
- Detention Fee - Export
- Detention Fee - Import
- Detention in Transit Service
- Devanning
- Differential
- Dimension
- Direct or Indirect Customs Representation
- Direct to Consumer (D2C)
- Direktförtullning (DNK)
- Direktförtullning (DNK)
- Disbursement Service Fee
- Discharge Port
- Distribution
- Distribution Center (DC)
- Distribution Requirements Planning
- Distributor
- Diversion Charge
- Dock Receipt
- Door-to-Door
- Double Blind Shipment
- Double Stack Car
- Drawback
- Drayage
- Drop
- Drop and Pick
- Drop Fee
- Drop-shipping
- Dry Dock
- Dry Run
- Dry Van Shipping
- Dunnage
- Duty
- Duty Drawback
- Dynamic Under-Keel Clearance (DUKC)
- 丹宝项目管理方法论 (DPMM)
- 丹寶士整合集裝箱 (DCC)
- 丹寶項目管理方法論 (DPMM)
- 乾貨貨櫃運輸
- 交貨單
- 代付服務費
- 关税
- 動態富裕水深
- 危險品 (DG)
- 危險品申報(DGD)
- 危險貨物服務
- 卸貨
- 卸貨提貨
- 卸貨港
- 卸貨費
- 卸货
- 卸货提货
- 卸货港
- 報關退稅
- 墊艙物料
- 完稅後交貨 (DDP)
- 尺寸
- 差异
- 应收帐款天数(DSO)
- 延期或延後增值稅會計
- 延期費用
- 延期费用
- 應付帳款週轉天數 (DPO)
- 應收帳款天數 (DSO)
- 拆箱
- 拆箱
- 拆箱
- 拖運
- 旱塢
- 深度
- 深度
- 滯期費
- 滯留費
- 滯留費 - 出口
- 滯留費 - 進口
- 物流配送
- 現場交付 (DAP)
- 申報價值範圍
- 目的地中轉站 (DIT)
- 直接或间接海关代表
- 直接面向消费者 (D2C)
- 直運
- 码头收据
- 碼頭收據
- 經銷商
- 跑空
- 轉港費
- 送貨
- 送貨人工費
- 送货人工费
- 過境滯留服務
- 配送中心
- 配送需求計劃
- 門到門
- 關稅
- 關稅退稅
- 雙層貨櫃平車
- 雙盲裝運
- 需求鏈
- Show Remaining Articles104 Collapse Articles
- E-Fulfilment
- E2 (Import Entry Acceptance Advice)
- EAN 8
- EAN 8碼
- EBS (Emergency Bunker Surcharge)
- Efficient Consumer Response (ECR)
- EIN (Employer Identification Number)
- EIR (Equipment Interchange Receipt)
- ELD (Electronic Logging Device)
- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
- Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
- Electronic Shipping Instruction (ESI)
- Electronic Standard Operating Procedures (ESOP)
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
- EORI (Economic Operator Registration and Identification)
- Equalization
- Equipment Interchange Receipt (EIR)
- Estimated Time of Arrival
- Ex works (EXW)
- Expected Receipt Date (ERD)
- Export Control Classification Number (ECCN)
- Export Declaration
- Export License
- Exporter Identification Number (EIN)
- Express Bill of Lading
- External Transit (T1)
- Extra Loader
- 企业资源规划 (ERP)
- 企業資源規劃(ERP)
- 出口商識別碼 (EIN)
- 出口商识别号码 (EIN)
- 出口報關單
- 出口管制分類編號 (ECCN)
- 出口許可證
- 均衡
- 外部過境
- 工廠交貨 (EXW)
- 快遞提單
- 有效消費者反應
- 电子订单履行
- 經濟營運商註冊及識別 (EORI)
- 緊急燃油附加費
- 設備交接單
- 設備交換收據(EIR)
- 進口報關單
- 雇主識別號碼
- 電子數據交換
- 電子標準作業程序(eSOP)
- 電子裝運指示 (ESI)
- 電子訂單履行
- 電子記錄設備
- 電子資金轉帳(EFT)
- 預計抵達時間(ETA)
- 預計收貨日期
- 額外的裝載機
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- 40呎標準貨櫃 (FEU)
- FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon)
- FCA (Free Carrier)
- FCA(自由承運人)
- FCL (Full Container Load)
- FCL(整箱裝載)
- FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
- FDA(食品藥物管理局)
- Federal Maritime Commission (FMC)
- Feeder (F)
- Feeder Ports
- Feeder Vessel
- FEU (Forty-foot Equivalent Unit)
- FEU(四十英尺等效單位)
- FILO條款
- First In First Out (FIFO)
- First Sale Valuation
- Flat Bed
- FLEGT | Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade
- Floating Cranes (FC)
- For-Hire Carriers (FHC)
- Force Majeure
- Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ)
- Forklift
- Forty Foot Equivalent Unit (FEU/FFE)
- Forwarders Cargo Receipt (FCR)
- Free In/Liner Out (FILO)
- Free On Board (FOB)
- Free Trade Zone (FTZ)
- Freight All Kinds (FAK)
- Freight Bill (FB)
- Freight Cashier
- Freight Forwarder (FF)
- Freight Release
- FTA (Free Trade Agreement)
- FTA(自由貿易協定)
- FTL (Full Truckload)
- FTL(整車貨物運輸)
- FTL(整车货物运输)
- Fuel Surcharge (FSC)
- Fulfillment
- Full Visible Capacity
- 不分貨類運價 (FAK)
- 不可抗力
- 亚马逊履约(FBA)
- 亞馬遜履約(FBA)
- 充分可見容量
- 先进先出(FIFO)
- 先進先出法
- 出租承運人
- 堆高機
- 對外貿易區
- 履行
- 平闆卡車
- 支線港口
- 支線船(Feeder)
- 支線船舶
- 森林執法、施政與貿易行動計劃
- 浮吊
- 燃油附加费 (FSC)
- 聯邦海事委員會 (FMC)
- 自由貿易園區
- 船上交貨
- 貨物讓渡證書
- 貨運代理
- 貨運代理人收據
- 貨運出納員
- 貨運單
- 货运代理
- 首次銷售估價
- Show Remaining Articles57 Collapse Articles
- Gangway
- Gantry Crane (G)
- Garment-on-Hanger (GOH)
- Gate-In
- Gate-Out
- General Average
- General Order
- General Order(GO)
- Genset
- Golden Week
- Green Supply Chain
- GRI (General Rate Increase)
- Gross Merchandise Value (GMV)
- Gross Register Tonnage (GRT)
- Gross Weight
- 共同海損
- 出港
- 商品交易總額 (GMV)
- 掛衣架 (GOH)
- 毛重
- 登記總噸位(GRT)
- 發電機組
- 綠色供應鏈
- 绿色供应链
- 舷梯
- 通用費率增加(GRI)
- 進港
- 黃金周
- 龍門起重機 (G)
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- Hague Rules
- Handling Costs
- Hangertainer
- Harbour Maintenance Fee (HMF)
- Harmless Chemicals
- Harmonized Tariff System (HTS)
- Haulage
- Hazardous or Dangerous Cargo
- Hazmat
- HC (High Cube) Container
- Heavy Lift Charge
- High Cube Non-Functioning reefer container (HNOR)
- High-cube (HC)
- Hitchment
- Holds
- House Airway Bill / House B/L
- HS Codes / HTS Codes
- Hub
- Hustler
- 危險材料
- 危險貨物
- 國際商品統一分類制度/協調關稅表
- 堆場拖拉機
- 掛接
- 掛衣櫃
- 樞紐
- 海牙規則
- 港口維護費(HMF)
- 無害化學品
- 統一關稅制度 (HTS)
- 處理成本
- 貨代提單/分運單
- 貨艙 (Holds)
- 運輸(Haulage)
- 重吊費
- 高櫃貨櫃
- 高立方非功能性冷藏集裝箱 (HNOR)
- 高箱 (HC)
- Show Remaining Articles23 Collapse Articles
- Import Cargo Manifest (ICM)
- Import Duty
- Import License
- Importer of Record
- Independent Action (IA)
- Independent Carrier
- Inflation
- Inherent Vice
- Inland Carrier
- Inside Delivery Fee
- Inspection certificate
- Insurance Certificate
- Integrated Carriers
- Intensive Exam
- Inter Company Billing (ICB)
- Interational Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA)
- Intermodal
- Intermodal Marketing Company (IMC)
- Intermodal Transport
- International Air Transport Association (IATA)
- International Freight Forwarders
- International Maritime Control Organisation (IMCO)
- International Roadcheck
- International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS)
- Inventory
- Inventory Carrying Costs
- Inventory Linked
- Inventory Turnover
- Inventory Velocity
- Invoice
- ISF (Importer Security Filing)
- ISF申報
- ISPS Code ( International Ship and Port Facility Security Code )
- IT
- 保險憑證
- 內部交付費
- 內陸承運商
- 內陸點多式聯運
- 公司間開立發票
- 即時運輸入境
- 固有缺陷(Inherent Vice)
- 國際海事組織(IMCO)
- 國際海運危險貨物規則
- 國際航空運輸協會(IATA)
- 國際船舶和港口設施保安規則
- 國際船舶和港口設施保安規則(ISPS)
- 國際貨運代理
- 國際貨運代理協會聯合會(FIATA)
- 國際路檢
- 國際運輸實施準則小組
- 多式聯運
- 多式聯運 (Intermodal Transport)
- 多式聯運行銷公司(IMC)
- 存貨帳面成本
- 存貨週轉率
- 庫存
- 庫存速度
- 庫存連接
- 強化檢查
- 檢驗證書
- 獨立行動(IA)
- 獨立運營商
- 發票
- 綜合承運商
- 通貨膨脹
- 進口記錄的進口商
- 進口許可證
- 進口貨物清單(ICM)
- 進口關稅
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- Label Cargo
- Lading
- Land Bridge
- Landed Cost
- Last Free Day
- Less Than Container Load (LCL)
- Less Than Truckload (LTL)
- Letter of Credit (LC)
- Letter of Indemnity (LOI)
- Lift-on/lift-off (LoLo)
- Liftgate
- Liftgate Fee
- Line Haul
- Liner In/Free Out (LIFO)
- Live Unload
- LNG Carrier
- Loading
- Localization
- Longshoreman
- LT
- 信用證
- 到岸成本
- 到岸成本
- 升降門費
- 吊裝式集裝箱
- 小於貨櫃裝載量 (LCL)
- 提單 (Lading)
- 最後免費日
- 本地化
- 液化天然氣船
- 現場卸貨
- 碼頭工人
- 線路運輸
- 舉升門
- 船方不負擔卸貨費用
- 裝載
- 貨物貼標
- 賠償信(LOI)
- 長噸
- 陸橋
- 零擔(LTL)
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- Manifest
- Marks and Numbers
- Master B/L
- Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
- Materials Management
- Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF)
- Merchant Haulage Service
- Metric Ton (MT)
- Milestone
- Milk Run
- Mini-Land Bridge
- Mixed Shipment
- Mother Vessel
- MSI Plessey Barcofe
- MSI Plessey 條碼
- Multi Country Consolidation
- Multimodal
- 公噸
- 商品加工費
- 商戶運輸服務
- 多國拼箱 (MCC)
- 多式聯運(Multimodal)
- 小型陸橋
- 循環取貨
- 材料安全資料表(MSDS)
- 材料管理
- 標記和編號
- 母船
- 混合裝載
- 船東提單
- 載貨清單
- 里程碑
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- Near Sourcing
- Negotiable Bill of Lading
- Negotiated Rate Arrangement (NRA)
- NES (National Export System)
- Nested
- Net Weight
- Neutral Body
- Non-Asset-Based Third Party Providers
- Non-Negotiable Bill of Lading
- Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC)
- Notify Party
- On Deck Storage
- 不可轉讓提單
- 中立機構
- 北歐貨運代理協會
- 協商費率安排 (NRA)
- 可流通提單
- 國家出口系統(NES)
- 就近採購
- 嵌套
- 淨重
- 無船承運人 (NVOCC)
- 甲板儲藏
- 荷兰食品和消费品安全局(NVWA)
- 荷蘭食品與消費品安全局(NVWA)
- 通知方
- 非資產第三方提供者
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- Ocean Transport Intermediary (OTI)
- On Deck Stowage
- On-Carriage
- On-Time Performance
- Open Issues List (OIL)
- Open Rates
- Operations Info Portal
- Opportunity Management Evaluation Board (OMEB)
- Order Cycle
- Order Management System (OMS)
- Order Processing
- Origin Charge
- Origin Charge Catalogue (OCC)
- Origin Engineering
- Origin Motor Terminal, Origin Rail Terminal, Destination Motor Terminal (OMT, ORT, DMT)
- Origin/Destination Booking Services (OBK/DBK)
- Original Bill of Lading (OBL)
- Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
- Out of Gauge Service
- Out-of-Gauge Cargo (OOG)
- Outbound
- Outport
- Outsource
- Over Landed
- Overland Common Port (OCP)
- Quality Control
- Quarterly Business Review (QBR)
- Quay
- Quick Reference Guide (QRG)
- Quick Response (QR)
- Quitclaim
- 公開費率
- 出境物流
- 原始設備製造商 (OEM)
- 原產地工程
- 品質控制
- 外包
- 外港
- 始發地/目的地訂艙服務(OBK/DBK)
- 季度業務回顧(QBR)
- 快速參考指引(QRG)
- 快速反應
- 未決問題清單
- 機會管理評估委員會(OMEB)
- 正本提單 (OBL)
- 海運中介 (OTI)
- 準時交貨績效
- 營運資訊入口網站
- 產地收費目錄(OCC)
- 甲板儲藏
- 碼頭
- 訂單管理系統(OMS)
- 訂單處理
- 訂單週期
- 质量控制
- 起運港費用
- 起點公車站
- 超載
- 超限貨物(OOG)
- 轉運
- 退出契約
- 陸路共通點
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- Packing List
- Pallet
- Pallet Exchange Fee
- Pareto Principle
- Partlow Chart
- Per Diem Charge
- PGA (Partner Government Agency)
- Physical Distribution
- Pick & Pack
- Pier
- Pier Pass Fee
- Piggyback
- Pilferage
- Plimsoll Mark
- Point of Sale (POS)
- Port & Terminal Service Charge (PTSC)
- Port filings
- Port of Discharge (POD)
- Port of Loading (POL)
- Positioning
- Post Implementation Review (PIR)
- Power of Attorney
- Pre-Carriage (PRE - CARRIAGE)
- Pre-Pull
- Pre-Trip Inspection Service
- Preferential Duties
- Pricing and Quoting (PNQ)
- Primage
- Primage附加費
- Proforma
- Proof Of Delivery (POD)
- Protection and Indemnity Insurance (P&I)
- PSS (Peak Season Surcharge)
- Pull Strategy
- Purchase Order
- Push Strategy
- 交貨證明 (POD)
- 保賠保險(P&I)
- 優惠關稅
- 分揀和包裝
- 卸貨港(POD)
- 合作夥伴政府機構(PGA)
- 定位
- 定價與報價
- 實施後審查 (PIR)
- 實物配送
- 帕累托原則
- 形式發票
- 托盤
- 托盤交換費
- 拉動策略
- 授權書(POA)
- 採購訂單
- 推動策略
- 旺季附加費 (PSS)
- 每日費用
- 港口備案
- 港口和碼頭服務費 (PTSC)
- 溫度讀數圖表
- 疏港費
- 碼頭(Pier)
- 竊盜
- 行前檢查服務
- 裝箱單
- 裝貨港(POL)
- 載重吃水線
- 郵政數位編碼技術(POSTNET)
- 銷售點
- 預拉
- 預裝運輸(Pre-Carriage)
- 馱運
- Show Remaining Articles57 Collapse Articles
- Railhead
- Rate Agreement
- Re-engineering
- Received for Shipment Bill of Lading
- Reefer
- Register Ton
- Related parties
- Relay
- Release
- Replenishment
- Request for Quote/Information/Price (RFQ/RFI/RFP)
- Residential Delivery Fee
- Restow
- Return cargo
- Revenue ton
- Reverse Logistics
- Roll-on/Roll-off (RoRo)
- Rolled Cargo
- Rules of Origin
- 住宅送貨費
- 再造
- 冷藏箱
- 原產地規則
- 回程貨物
- 報價/資訊/價格請求 (RFQ/RFI/RFP)
- 已收裝運提單
- 收入噸
- 放行
- 滾裝船 (RoRo)
- 滾貨
- 繼電器
- 補貨
- 註冊噸
- 費率協議
- 軌頭
- 逆向物流
- 逆向物流
- 重新裝載
- 關聯方
- Show Remaining Articles24 Collapse Articles
- Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS)
- Safety Stock
- Said To Contain
- Seals, also Container Seals
- Seawaybill
- Sell-through
- Service Agreement
- Service Level agreement (SLA)
- Set point
- Shanghai Shipping Exchange (SSE)
- Ship From Address
- Ship's Chandlers
- Shipment
- Shipment Window
- Shipped On Board (SOB)
- Shipper
- Shipper Packed
- Shipper's Letter of Instruction (SLI)
- Shippers Export Declaration
- Shipping Instructions
- Shipping Order (SO)
- Short Landed
- Short Shipped
- Short Ton
- Shunting
- Slot charter
- Special Customs Invoice
- Special Delivery Fee
- Special Rate
- Split Shipment
- Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC)
- Steamship
- Stern
- Stevedore
- Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)
- Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)
- Stop Off Fee
- Storage Charges
- Store-Door Delivery
- Stripping
- Stuffing
- Surcharges
- SWIFT(全球銀行金融電信協會)
- Switch Bill of Lading
- System for Maritime Data and Governance
- 上海航運交易所(SSE)
- 中轉費用
- 倉儲費
- 出口商出口申報單
- 出貨地址
- 分批發貨
- 卸貨
- 安全庫存
- 密封件
- 已裝船 (SOB)
- 店門送貨
- 托運人
- 托運人包裝
- 托運人的裝載量和數量(STC)
- 服務協議
- 服務水準協議 (SLA)
- 標準承運商代碼 (SCAC)
- 海上人命安全 (SOLAS)
- 海事資料和治理系統
- 海運提單
- 特別費率
- 特殊海關發票
- 特殊送貨費
- 短卸
- 短噸
- 短裝
- 船尾
- 船舶供應商
- 艙位包租
- 蒸汽船
- 裝卸工人
- 裝箱
- 裝船指示(SI)
- 裝運
- 裝運窗口
- 裝運訂單(SO)
- 設定點
- 調車
- 貨主指示信
- 貨主指示信
- 貨存單位
- 轉換提單
- 銷售率
- 附加費
- Show Remaining Articles75 Collapse Articles
- Tail Gate Exam
- Tare weight
- Tariff
- Tariff engineering
- Tariff quotas
- Telex release
- Terminal Handling Service-Destination (DHC)
- Terminal Handling Service-Origin (OHC)
- Terminal Receiving Charge (TRC)
- Tonnage
- Tracer
- Trailer on Flat Car Rail (TOFC)
- Transloading
- Transport Management System (TMS)
- Transship
- Transtainer
- 噸位
- 始發地碼頭裝卸服務 (OHC)
- 平板車鐵路拖車 (TOFC)
- 皮重
- 目的地碼頭裝卸服務 (DHC)
- 碼頭接收費(TRC)
- 貨櫃運輸機
- 轉運
- 轉運
- 追蹤器
- 運輸管理系統 (TMS)
- 開櫃查驗
- 關稅(Tariff)
- 關稅工程
- 關稅配額
- 電放
- Show Remaining Articles17 Collapse Articles
- 《聯合國海洋法公約》(UNCLOS)
- UCC-128
- UCC-128码
- UCC-128碼
- ULD (Unit Load Device)
- Ullage
- Ultimate Consignee
- Ultra Large Container Ship (ULCS)
- Ultra Large Crude Carrier
- UN Dangerous Goods Number (UNDG)
- UN Number
- Unaccompanied Baggage
- Unclean Bill of Lading
- Under the weather
- Under the weather
- Under way
- Under-keel clearance (UKC)
- Underwater hull or underwater ship
- Uniform Customs and Practice (UCP)
- Uniform Freight Classification (UFC)
- Unit Cost
- Unit Load Device (ULD)
- Unit load device (UND)
- Unit train
- United Arab Shipping Company (UASC)
- United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
- Unitization
- Unloader
- Unloading
- Unmoor
- UPCE 11 位元
- UPCE 11-Digit
- UPCE0 6 位元
- UPCE0 6-Digit
- UPCE1 6 位元
- UPCE1 6-Digit
- Upper-yardmen
- Upper-yardmen
- Usufruct
- UTB / Uitnodiging Tot Betaling
- UTB | Uitnodiging Tot Betaling
- Utilisation Rate
- 不乾淨提單
- 使用權
- 信用狀統一慣例(UCP)
- 利用率
- 单位成本
- 卸料機
- 卸貨 (Unloading)
- 單位列車
- 單位成本
- 單元化
- 單元裝載設備
- 單元裝載設備 (ULD)
- 單元負載裝置 (UND)
- 托運行李
- 最終收貨人
- 水下船體或水下船
- 空距
- 統一貨運分類(UFC)
- 缺量
- 美國海關邊境保護局
- 聯合國危險物品編號 (UNDG)
- 聯合國編號
- 聯合國貿易和運輸地點代碼
- 航行中
- 解纜
- 超大型原油船 (ULCC)
- 超大型貨櫃船(ULCS)
- 阿拉伯聯合航運公司(UASC)
- 餘裕水深
- Show Remaining Articles64 Collapse Articles
- Voyage Charter
- V-hull
- Validated Export License
- Valuable Cargo
- Valuation Challenge
- Valuation Charge
- Value Added Tax (VAT)
- Value Chain
- Value Proposition
- Vang
- Vang
- Vanishing angle
- Vanning
- Variable cost
- VAT (Value Added Tax) Number
- VAT(增值稅)號碼
- Vendor
- Ventilated Container
- Verified Copy of Bill of Lading (VC)
- Vertical Integration
- Vessel
- Vessel operating common carrier (VOCC)
- Vessel Supplies for Immediate Exportation (VSIE)
- Vessel Ton
- Viz
- Volatility
- Voltri Terminal Europa (VTE)
- Volume Charge
- Volume Rate
- Voyage
- Voyage Number
- V型船體
- 估值挑戰
- 估價費
- 供應商
- 價值主張
- 價值鏈
- 可視化
- 垂直整合
- 增值稅(VAT)
- 沃爾特里歐洲碼頭 (VTE)
- 波動性
- 消失角
- 範甯
- 經驗證的出口許可證
- 經驗證的提單副本 (VC )
- 航次
- 航程
- 船舶
- 船舶噸位
- 船舶營運公共承運人 (VOCC)
- 變動成本
- 貴重貨物
- 通風貨櫃
- 體積收費
- 體積率
- Show Remaining Articles43 Collapse Articles
- Waist
- Waiting Time
- Waiver Clause
- Wake
- Wales
- War Risk Insurance
- Warehouse
- Warehouse Entry
- Warehouse receipt
- Warehouse Withdrawal for Transportation (WDT)
- Warehouse Withdrawal for Transportation Exportation (WDT&E)
- Warehouse-to-Warehouse
- Warehousing
- Warsaw Convention
- Wash
- Watch
- Watercraft
- Waterway
- Waybill (WB)
- Waypoint
- Wear and Tear
- Wearing ship
- Weather deck
- Weather gage
- Weather side
- Weather working days (W.W.D.)
- Weatherly
- Weigh anchor
- Weight
- Weight Cargo
- Weight Charge
- Weight guarenteed (W.G.)
- Weight Load Factor
- Weight or measurement (W/M)
- Weight Ton
- Weight, Legal
- Weight/measurement (W/M)
- Wells
- Wharf
- Wharfage
- Wheel or ship's wheel
- Wheelhouse
- Whether in berth or not (W.I.B.O.N.)
- Whipstaff
- White horses or whitecaps
- Wide berth
- Wind-over-tide
- Windage
- Windbound
- Windlass
- Windward
- Windy Booking
- With Average
- With Particular Average
- With Particular Average
- With Particular Average
- Without Recourse
- Without Reserve
- World customs organisation
- World trade organisation (W.T.O.)
- Worm, serve, and parcel
- Worm, serve, and parcel
- Worm, serve, and parcel
- 世界貿易組織(WTO)
- 世界贸易组织(WTO)
- 仓单
- 仓库
- 仓库到仓库
- 倉單
- 倉庫
- 倉庫到倉庫
- 值班
- 值班
- 天气工作日 (W.W.D.)
- 天氣工作日 (W.W.D.)
- 宽泊位
- 寬泊位
- 平均海损
- 平均海損
- 无论是否在泊位(W.I.B.O.N.)
- 无追索权
- 无限制授权
- 气象计
- 氣象計
- 法定重量
- 法定重量
- 無論是否在泊位(W.I.B.O.N.)
- 無追索權
- 無限制授權
- 白浪
- 白浪
- 码头
- 碼頭
- 航点
- 航點
- 船腰
- 船腰
- 虚舱 (风单)
- 虛艙 (風單)
- 計重費
- 计重费
- 豁免条款
- 豁免條款
- 貨物重量
- 货物重量
- 起錨機
- 起锚机
- 輪子或船輪
- 轮子或船轮
- 迎風
- 迎风
- 重量
- 重量
- 重量/尺寸(宽/米)
- 重量/尺寸(寬/米)
- 重量保證(W.G.)
- 重量保证(W.G.)
- 重量吨
- 重量噸
- 重量或測量 (W/M)
- 露天甲板
- 露天甲板
- 風縛
- 風阻
- 风缚
- 风阻
- Show Remaining Articles111 Collapse Articles
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Integrated Carriers
An integrated carrier refers to an airfreight company that combines various transportation services, including air carriage, freight forwarding, and ground handling. By offering these comprehensive services, integrated carriers provide a convenient and consolidated solution for shippers seeking to transport their goods. This integrated approach eliminates the need for coordinating multiple shipments with different carriers, streamlining the logistics process. Furthermore, integrated carriers often offer competitive rates and enhanced services due to their ability to provide all required services in-house, resulting in increased efficiency and convenience for shippers.
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Packaging Modes | Comprehensive Overview for Shippers | FreightAmigo