Shipping Terms Glossary
- Cabotage
- CAIN (Customs Assigned Importer Number)
- CAIN (海關指定進口商編號)
- Cargo Bays
- Cargo Declaration Amendment Fee (CAM)
- Cargo Insurance
- Cargo Manifest
- Cargo Ready Date (CRD)
- Cargo Ready Date (CRD)
- Carriage of Goods By Sea Act (COGSA)
- Carrier
- Carrier bill of Lading (CBL)
- Carrier bill of Lading (CBL)
- Carrier's Certificate
- Cartage
- Cash flow return on investment (CFROI)
- Cash on Delivery (COD)
- CBM ( Cubic Meter )
- CBP (Customs and Border Protection)
- CDS (Customs Declaration Service)
- Cell
- Certificate of Free Sales (CFS)
- Certificate of Origin
- CES (Centralized Examination Station)
- CFS (Container Freight Station)
- CFS (Container Freight Station) Cut-off
- CFS (Container Freight Station) Fee
- Change of Destination (COD )
- Chassis
- Chassis Fee
- Chassis Pool
- Chassis Split
- CHED (Common Health Entry Document)
- Chinese New Year (CNY)
- CITES | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
- Claim Tracer
- Clean On Board
- Clean Truck Fee
- Client Access Licence (CAL)
- Co-Loader
- Codabar
- Code 128
- Code 3 of 9
- Code 3 of 9
- Code 93
- Code 93
- Code 93
- Collapsible Flat Rack Container (COFL)
- Combined Transport Bill of Lading
- Commerce Control List (CCL)
- Commercial Invoice
- Commodity
- Common Carrier
- Common Tariff
- Company Guarantee
- Compliance Assessment
- Conference
- Congestion Surcharge (CON)
- Consignee
- Consignor
- Consolidation
- Consular Invoice
- Container
- Container Cleaning Fee (CCL)
- Container Depot / Container Yard (CD/CY)
- Container Freight Station (CFS)
- Container Load Plan (CLP)
- Container Load Plan (CLP)
- Container on Flat Car (COFC)
- Container Seals
- Container Service Charge
- Container Yard (CY)
- Continuous Customs Bond
- Continuous Flow Distribution (CFD)
- Continuous Replenishment Program (CRP)
- Contract Carrier
- Contract Logistics (CL)
- Contract of Carriage
- Control
- Core Competency
- Cost and Freight (CFR/CNF/C&F)
- Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ)
- Cost, Assurance and Freight (CAF)
- Countervailing Duties
- Country of Origin
- Critical Success Factor (CSF)
- Critical to Customer (CTC)
- Critical to Quality (CTQ)
- Cross Trade (CT)
- Cross-border E-Commerce
- Cross-Docking
- Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF)
- Customer
- Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS)
- Customs Bond
- Customs Broker
- Customs Clearance
- Customs Entries
- Customs Entry
- Customs Exam
- Customs Exam Fee
- Customs House Broker
- Customs Procedure Codes
- Cut-Off Time
- CY (Container Yard) Cutoff
- Cycle Count
- Cycle Time
- Cycle Time Reduction
- 公共承運人
- 公司担保
- 公司擔保
- 共同健康入境文件
- 共同關稅
- 卡車清潔費
- 原產地證明
- 反补贴税
- 发货人
- 可折疊式平板櫃
- 合規性評估
- 商业管制清单
- 商品
- 商業管制清單
- 客戶訪問許可證
- 底盤
- 底盤分離
- 底盤方
- 底盤費
- 成本控制
- 承運人提單
- 承運商
- 拼箱
- 搬运
- 搬運
- 擁堵附加費 (CON)
- 收貨人
- 春节
- 更改目的地
- 条码
- 核心竞争力
- 沿海運輸
- 洗櫃費
- 海上貨物運送法
- 海上貨運聯載商
- 海關申報服務
- 清潔提單
- 瀕危野生動植物國際貿易公約
- 現金流投資回報
- 發貨人
- 立方米
- 立方米(CBM)
- 索償追踪請求
- 索赔追踪请求
- 美國海關及邊境保護局
- 聯運提單
- 自由銷售證明
- 航運聯盟
- 艙單
- 貨到付款
- 貨櫃
- 貨櫃堆場
- 貨櫃堆場
- 貨櫃服務費
- 貨櫃槽位
- 貨櫃貨物站
- 貨櫃貨物站截止日期
- 貨櫃貨物站費用
- 貨櫃貨運站
- 貨物申報單修改費 (CAM)
- 貨物運輸保險
- 貨艙 (Cargo Bays)
- 货币调整因素
- 货舱
- 车架
- 農曆新年
- 运输合同
- 连续流量分配(CFD)
- 連續流量分配
- 連續海關保函
- 進出口貨物海關處理系統
- 運送人證明
- 集中檢驗站
- 集装箱堆场
- 集装箱装箱单
- 集装箱货站截止日期
- 集装箱货运站 (CFS)
- Show Remaining Articles172 Collapse Articles
- Damco Consolidation Containers (DCC)
- Damco Project Management Methodology (DPMM)
- Dangerous Cargo Service
- Dangerous Goods (DG)
- Dangerous Goods Declaration (DGD)
- Days Payable Outstanding (DPO)
- Days Sales Outstanding (DSO)
- Declared Value Coverage
- Deconsolidation
- Deferment Fee
- Deferment or Postponed VAT Accounting
- Delivered-at-place (DAP)
- Delivery
- Delivery Duty Paid (DDP)
- Delivery Labor Fee
- Delivery Order
- Demand Chain
- Demurrage
- Depth
- Destination Interchange Terminal (DIT)
- Detention
- Detention Fee - Export
- Detention Fee - Import
- Detention in Transit Service
- Devanning
- Differential
- Dimension
- Direct or Indirect Customs Representation
- Direct to Consumer (D2C)
- Direktförtullning (DNK)
- Direktförtullning (DNK)
- Disbursement Service Fee
- Discharge Port
- Distribution
- Distribution Center (DC)
- Distribution Requirements Planning
- Distributor
- Diversion Charge
- Dock Receipt
- Door-to-Door
- Double Blind Shipment
- Double Stack Car
- Drawback
- Drayage
- Drop
- Drop and Pick
- Drop Fee
- Drop-shipping
- Dry Dock
- Dry Run
- Dry Van Shipping
- Dunnage
- Duty
- Duty Drawback
- Dynamic Under-Keel Clearance (DUKC)
- 丹宝项目管理方法论 (DPMM)
- 丹寶士整合集裝箱 (DCC)
- 丹寶項目管理方法論 (DPMM)
- 乾貨貨櫃運輸
- 交貨單
- 代付服務費
- 关税
- 動態富裕水深
- 危險品 (DG)
- 危險品申報(DGD)
- 危險貨物服務
- 卸貨
- 卸貨提貨
- 卸貨港
- 卸貨費
- 卸货
- 卸货提货
- 卸货港
- 報關退稅
- 墊艙物料
- 完稅後交貨 (DDP)
- 尺寸
- 差异
- 应收帐款天数(DSO)
- 延期或延後增值稅會計
- 延期費用
- 延期费用
- 應付帳款週轉天數 (DPO)
- 應收帳款天數 (DSO)
- 拆箱
- 拆箱
- 拆箱
- 拖運
- 旱塢
- 深度
- 深度
- 滯期費
- 滯留費
- 滯留費 - 出口
- 滯留費 - 進口
- 物流配送
- 現場交付 (DAP)
- 申報價值範圍
- 目的地中轉站 (DIT)
- 直接或间接海关代表
- 直接面向消费者 (D2C)
- 直運
- 码头收据
- 碼頭收據
- 經銷商
- 跑空
- 轉港費
- 送貨
- 送貨人工費
- 送货人工费
- 過境滯留服務
- 配送中心
- 配送需求計劃
- 門到門
- 關稅
- 關稅退稅
- 雙層貨櫃平車
- 雙盲裝運
- 需求鏈
- Show Remaining Articles104 Collapse Articles
- E-Fulfilment
- E2 (Import Entry Acceptance Advice)
- EAN 8
- EAN 8碼
- EBS (Emergency Bunker Surcharge)
- Efficient Consumer Response (ECR)
- EIN (Employer Identification Number)
- EIR (Equipment Interchange Receipt)
- ELD (Electronic Logging Device)
- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
- Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
- Electronic Shipping Instruction (ESI)
- Electronic Standard Operating Procedures (ESOP)
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
- EORI (Economic Operator Registration and Identification)
- Equalization
- Equipment Interchange Receipt (EIR)
- Estimated Time of Arrival
- Ex works (EXW)
- Expected Receipt Date (ERD)
- Export Control Classification Number (ECCN)
- Export Declaration
- Export License
- Exporter Identification Number (EIN)
- Express Bill of Lading
- External Transit (T1)
- Extra Loader
- 企业资源规划 (ERP)
- 企業資源規劃(ERP)
- 出口商識別碼 (EIN)
- 出口商识别号码 (EIN)
- 出口報關單
- 出口管制分類編號 (ECCN)
- 出口許可證
- 均衡
- 外部過境
- 工廠交貨 (EXW)
- 快遞提單
- 有效消費者反應
- 电子订单履行
- 經濟營運商註冊及識別 (EORI)
- 緊急燃油附加費
- 設備交接單
- 設備交換收據(EIR)
- 進口報關單
- 雇主識別號碼
- 電子數據交換
- 電子標準作業程序(eSOP)
- 電子裝運指示 (ESI)
- 電子訂單履行
- 電子記錄設備
- 電子資金轉帳(EFT)
- 預計抵達時間(ETA)
- 預計收貨日期
- 額外的裝載機
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- 40呎標準貨櫃 (FEU)
- FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon)
- FCA (Free Carrier)
- FCA(自由承運人)
- FCL (Full Container Load)
- FCL(整箱裝載)
- FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
- FDA(食品藥物管理局)
- Federal Maritime Commission (FMC)
- Feeder (F)
- Feeder Ports
- Feeder Vessel
- FEU (Forty-foot Equivalent Unit)
- FEU(四十英尺等效單位)
- FILO條款
- First In First Out (FIFO)
- First Sale Valuation
- Flat Bed
- FLEGT | Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade
- Floating Cranes (FC)
- For-Hire Carriers (FHC)
- Force Majeure
- Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ)
- Forklift
- Forty Foot Equivalent Unit (FEU/FFE)
- Forwarders Cargo Receipt (FCR)
- Free In/Liner Out (FILO)
- Free On Board (FOB)
- Free Trade Zone (FTZ)
- Freight All Kinds (FAK)
- Freight Bill (FB)
- Freight Cashier
- Freight Forwarder (FF)
- Freight Release
- FTA (Free Trade Agreement)
- FTA(自由貿易協定)
- FTL (Full Truckload)
- FTL(整車貨物運輸)
- FTL(整车货物运输)
- Fuel Surcharge (FSC)
- Fulfillment
- Full Visible Capacity
- 不分貨類運價 (FAK)
- 不可抗力
- 亚马逊履约(FBA)
- 亞馬遜履約(FBA)
- 充分可見容量
- 先进先出(FIFO)
- 先進先出法
- 出租承運人
- 堆高機
- 對外貿易區
- 履行
- 平闆卡車
- 支線港口
- 支線船(Feeder)
- 支線船舶
- 森林執法、施政與貿易行動計劃
- 浮吊
- 燃油附加费 (FSC)
- 聯邦海事委員會 (FMC)
- 自由貿易園區
- 船上交貨
- 貨物讓渡證書
- 貨運代理
- 貨運代理人收據
- 貨運出納員
- 貨運單
- 货运代理
- 首次銷售估價
- Show Remaining Articles57 Collapse Articles
- Gangway
- Gantry Crane (G)
- Garment-on-Hanger (GOH)
- Gate-In
- Gate-Out
- General Average
- General Order
- General Order(GO)
- Genset
- Golden Week
- Green Supply Chain
- GRI (General Rate Increase)
- Gross Merchandise Value (GMV)
- Gross Register Tonnage (GRT)
- Gross Weight
- 共同海損
- 出港
- 商品交易總額 (GMV)
- 掛衣架 (GOH)
- 毛重
- 登記總噸位(GRT)
- 發電機組
- 綠色供應鏈
- 绿色供应链
- 舷梯
- 通用費率增加(GRI)
- 進港
- 黃金周
- 龍門起重機 (G)
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- Hague Rules
- Handling Costs
- Hangertainer
- Harbour Maintenance Fee (HMF)
- Harmless Chemicals
- Harmonized Tariff System (HTS)
- Haulage
- Hazardous or Dangerous Cargo
- Hazmat
- HC (High Cube) Container
- Heavy Lift Charge
- High Cube Non-Functioning reefer container (HNOR)
- High-cube (HC)
- Hitchment
- Holds
- House Airway Bill / House B/L
- HS Codes / HTS Codes
- Hub
- Hustler
- 危險材料
- 危險貨物
- 國際商品統一分類制度/協調關稅表
- 堆場拖拉機
- 掛接
- 掛衣櫃
- 樞紐
- 海牙規則
- 港口維護費(HMF)
- 無害化學品
- 統一關稅制度 (HTS)
- 處理成本
- 貨代提單/分運單
- 貨艙 (Holds)
- 運輸(Haulage)
- 重吊費
- 高櫃貨櫃
- 高立方非功能性冷藏集裝箱 (HNOR)
- 高箱 (HC)
- Show Remaining Articles23 Collapse Articles
- Import Cargo Manifest (ICM)
- Import Duty
- Import License
- Importer of Record
- Independent Action (IA)
- Independent Carrier
- Inflation
- Inherent Vice
- Inland Carrier
- Inside Delivery Fee
- Inspection certificate
- Insurance Certificate
- Integrated Carriers
- Intensive Exam
- Inter Company Billing (ICB)
- Interational Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA)
- Intermodal
- Intermodal Marketing Company (IMC)
- Intermodal Transport
- International Air Transport Association (IATA)
- International Freight Forwarders
- International Maritime Control Organisation (IMCO)
- International Roadcheck
- International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS)
- Inventory
- Inventory Carrying Costs
- Inventory Linked
- Inventory Turnover
- Inventory Velocity
- Invoice
- ISF (Importer Security Filing)
- ISF申報
- ISPS Code ( International Ship and Port Facility Security Code )
- IT
- 保險憑證
- 內部交付費
- 內陸承運商
- 內陸點多式聯運
- 公司間開立發票
- 即時運輸入境
- 固有缺陷(Inherent Vice)
- 國際海事組織(IMCO)
- 國際海運危險貨物規則
- 國際航空運輸協會(IATA)
- 國際船舶和港口設施保安規則
- 國際船舶和港口設施保安規則(ISPS)
- 國際貨運代理
- 國際貨運代理協會聯合會(FIATA)
- 國際路檢
- 國際運輸實施準則小組
- 多式聯運
- 多式聯運 (Intermodal Transport)
- 多式聯運行銷公司(IMC)
- 存貨帳面成本
- 存貨週轉率
- 庫存
- 庫存速度
- 庫存連接
- 強化檢查
- 檢驗證書
- 獨立行動(IA)
- 獨立運營商
- 發票
- 綜合承運商
- 通貨膨脹
- 進口記錄的進口商
- 進口許可證
- 進口貨物清單(ICM)
- 進口關稅
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- Label Cargo
- Lading
- Land Bridge
- Landed Cost
- Last Free Day
- Less Than Container Load (LCL)
- Less Than Truckload (LTL)
- Letter of Credit (LC)
- Letter of Indemnity (LOI)
- Lift-on/lift-off (LoLo)
- Liftgate
- Liftgate Fee
- Line Haul
- Liner In/Free Out (LIFO)
- Live Unload
- LNG Carrier
- Loading
- Localization
- Longshoreman
- LT
- 信用證
- 到岸成本
- 到岸成本
- 升降門費
- 吊裝式集裝箱
- 小於貨櫃裝載量 (LCL)
- 提單 (Lading)
- 最後免費日
- 本地化
- 液化天然氣船
- 現場卸貨
- 碼頭工人
- 線路運輸
- 舉升門
- 船方不負擔卸貨費用
- 裝載
- 貨物貼標
- 賠償信(LOI)
- 長噸
- 陸橋
- 零擔(LTL)
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- Manifest
- Marks and Numbers
- Master B/L
- Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
- Materials Management
- Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF)
- Merchant Haulage Service
- Metric Ton (MT)
- Milestone
- Milk Run
- Mini-Land Bridge
- Mixed Shipment
- Mother Vessel
- MSI Plessey Barcofe
- MSI Plessey 條碼
- Multi Country Consolidation
- Multimodal
- 公噸
- 商品加工費
- 商戶運輸服務
- 多國拼箱 (MCC)
- 多式聯運(Multimodal)
- 小型陸橋
- 循環取貨
- 材料安全資料表(MSDS)
- 材料管理
- 標記和編號
- 母船
- 混合裝載
- 船東提單
- 載貨清單
- 里程碑
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- Near Sourcing
- Negotiable Bill of Lading
- Negotiated Rate Arrangement (NRA)
- NES (National Export System)
- Nested
- Net Weight
- Neutral Body
- Non-Asset-Based Third Party Providers
- Non-Negotiable Bill of Lading
- Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC)
- Notify Party
- On Deck Storage
- 不可轉讓提單
- 中立機構
- 北歐貨運代理協會
- 協商費率安排 (NRA)
- 可流通提單
- 國家出口系統(NES)
- 就近採購
- 嵌套
- 淨重
- 無船承運人 (NVOCC)
- 甲板儲藏
- 荷兰食品和消费品安全局(NVWA)
- 荷蘭食品與消費品安全局(NVWA)
- 通知方
- 非資產第三方提供者
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- Ocean Transport Intermediary (OTI)
- On Deck Stowage
- On-Carriage
- On-Time Performance
- Open Issues List (OIL)
- Open Rates
- Operations Info Portal
- Opportunity Management Evaluation Board (OMEB)
- Order Cycle
- Order Management System (OMS)
- Order Processing
- Origin Charge
- Origin Charge Catalogue (OCC)
- Origin Engineering
- Origin Motor Terminal, Origin Rail Terminal, Destination Motor Terminal (OMT, ORT, DMT)
- Origin/Destination Booking Services (OBK/DBK)
- Original Bill of Lading (OBL)
- Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
- Out of Gauge Service
- Out-of-Gauge Cargo (OOG)
- Outbound
- Outport
- Outsource
- Over Landed
- Overland Common Port (OCP)
- Quality Control
- Quarterly Business Review (QBR)
- Quay
- Quick Reference Guide (QRG)
- Quick Response (QR)
- Quitclaim
- 公開費率
- 出境物流
- 原始設備製造商 (OEM)
- 原產地工程
- 品質控制
- 外包
- 外港
- 始發地/目的地訂艙服務(OBK/DBK)
- 季度業務回顧(QBR)
- 快速參考指引(QRG)
- 快速反應
- 未決問題清單
- 機會管理評估委員會(OMEB)
- 正本提單 (OBL)
- 海運中介 (OTI)
- 準時交貨績效
- 營運資訊入口網站
- 產地收費目錄(OCC)
- 甲板儲藏
- 碼頭
- 訂單管理系統(OMS)
- 訂單處理
- 訂單週期
- 质量控制
- 起運港費用
- 起點公車站
- 超載
- 超限貨物(OOG)
- 轉運
- 退出契約
- 陸路共通點
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- Packing List
- Pallet
- Pallet Exchange Fee
- Pareto Principle
- Partlow Chart
- Per Diem Charge
- PGA (Partner Government Agency)
- Physical Distribution
- Pick & Pack
- Pier
- Pier Pass Fee
- Piggyback
- Pilferage
- Plimsoll Mark
- Point of Sale (POS)
- Port & Terminal Service Charge (PTSC)
- Port filings
- Port of Discharge (POD)
- Port of Loading (POL)
- Positioning
- Post Implementation Review (PIR)
- Power of Attorney
- Pre-Carriage (PRE - CARRIAGE)
- Pre-Pull
- Pre-Trip Inspection Service
- Preferential Duties
- Pricing and Quoting (PNQ)
- Primage
- Primage附加費
- Proforma
- Proof Of Delivery (POD)
- Protection and Indemnity Insurance (P&I)
- PSS (Peak Season Surcharge)
- Pull Strategy
- Purchase Order
- Push Strategy
- 交貨證明 (POD)
- 保賠保險(P&I)
- 優惠關稅
- 分揀和包裝
- 卸貨港(POD)
- 合作夥伴政府機構(PGA)
- 定位
- 定價與報價
- 實施後審查 (PIR)
- 實物配送
- 帕累托原則
- 形式發票
- 托盤
- 托盤交換費
- 拉動策略
- 授權書(POA)
- 採購訂單
- 推動策略
- 旺季附加費 (PSS)
- 每日費用
- 港口備案
- 港口和碼頭服務費 (PTSC)
- 溫度讀數圖表
- 疏港費
- 碼頭(Pier)
- 竊盜
- 行前檢查服務
- 裝箱單
- 裝貨港(POL)
- 載重吃水線
- 郵政數位編碼技術(POSTNET)
- 銷售點
- 預拉
- 預裝運輸(Pre-Carriage)
- 馱運
- Show Remaining Articles57 Collapse Articles
- Railhead
- Rate Agreement
- Re-engineering
- Received for Shipment Bill of Lading
- Reefer
- Register Ton
- Related parties
- Relay
- Release
- Replenishment
- Request for Quote/Information/Price (RFQ/RFI/RFP)
- Residential Delivery Fee
- Restow
- Return cargo
- Revenue ton
- Reverse Logistics
- Roll-on/Roll-off (RoRo)
- Rolled Cargo
- Rules of Origin
- 住宅送貨費
- 再造
- 冷藏箱
- 原產地規則
- 回程貨物
- 報價/資訊/價格請求 (RFQ/RFI/RFP)
- 已收裝運提單
- 收入噸
- 放行
- 滾裝船 (RoRo)
- 滾貨
- 繼電器
- 補貨
- 註冊噸
- 費率協議
- 軌頭
- 逆向物流
- 逆向物流
- 重新裝載
- 關聯方
- Show Remaining Articles24 Collapse Articles
- Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS)
- Safety Stock
- Said To Contain
- Seals, also Container Seals
- Seawaybill
- Sell-through
- Service Agreement
- Service Level agreement (SLA)
- Set point
- Shanghai Shipping Exchange (SSE)
- Ship From Address
- Ship's Chandlers
- Shipment
- Shipment Window
- Shipped On Board (SOB)
- Shipper
- Shipper Packed
- Shipper's Letter of Instruction (SLI)
- Shippers Export Declaration
- Shipping Instructions
- Shipping Order (SO)
- Short Landed
- Short Shipped
- Short Ton
- Shunting
- Slot charter
- Special Customs Invoice
- Special Delivery Fee
- Special Rate
- Split Shipment
- Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC)
- Steamship
- Stern
- Stevedore
- Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)
- Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)
- Stop Off Fee
- Storage Charges
- Store-Door Delivery
- Stripping
- Stuffing
- Surcharges
- SWIFT(全球銀行金融電信協會)
- Switch Bill of Lading
- System for Maritime Data and Governance
- 上海航運交易所(SSE)
- 中轉費用
- 倉儲費
- 出口商出口申報單
- 出貨地址
- 分批發貨
- 卸貨
- 安全庫存
- 密封件
- 已裝船 (SOB)
- 店門送貨
- 托運人
- 托運人包裝
- 托運人的裝載量和數量(STC)
- 服務協議
- 服務水準協議 (SLA)
- 標準承運商代碼 (SCAC)
- 海上人命安全 (SOLAS)
- 海事資料和治理系統
- 海運提單
- 特別費率
- 特殊海關發票
- 特殊送貨費
- 短卸
- 短噸
- 短裝
- 船尾
- 船舶供應商
- 艙位包租
- 蒸汽船
- 裝卸工人
- 裝箱
- 裝船指示(SI)
- 裝運
- 裝運窗口
- 裝運訂單(SO)
- 設定點
- 調車
- 貨主指示信
- 貨主指示信
- 貨存單位
- 轉換提單
- 銷售率
- 附加費
- Show Remaining Articles75 Collapse Articles
- Tail Gate Exam
- Tare weight
- Tariff
- Tariff engineering
- Tariff quotas
- Telex release
- Terminal Handling Service-Destination (DHC)
- Terminal Handling Service-Origin (OHC)
- Terminal Receiving Charge (TRC)
- Tonnage
- Tracer
- Trailer on Flat Car Rail (TOFC)
- Transloading
- Transport Management System (TMS)
- Transship
- Transtainer
- 噸位
- 始發地碼頭裝卸服務 (OHC)
- 平板車鐵路拖車 (TOFC)
- 皮重
- 目的地碼頭裝卸服務 (DHC)
- 碼頭接收費(TRC)
- 貨櫃運輸機
- 轉運
- 轉運
- 追蹤器
- 運輸管理系統 (TMS)
- 開櫃查驗
- 關稅(Tariff)
- 關稅工程
- 關稅配額
- 電放
- Show Remaining Articles17 Collapse Articles
- 《聯合國海洋法公約》(UNCLOS)
- UCC-128
- UCC-128码
- UCC-128碼
- ULD (Unit Load Device)
- Ullage
- Ultimate Consignee
- Ultra Large Container Ship (ULCS)
- Ultra Large Crude Carrier
- UN Dangerous Goods Number (UNDG)
- UN Number
- Unaccompanied Baggage
- Unclean Bill of Lading
- Under the weather
- Under the weather
- Under way
- Under-keel clearance (UKC)
- Underwater hull or underwater ship
- Uniform Customs and Practice (UCP)
- Uniform Freight Classification (UFC)
- Unit Cost
- Unit Load Device (ULD)
- Unit load device (UND)
- Unit train
- United Arab Shipping Company (UASC)
- United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
- Unitization
- Unloader
- Unloading
- Unmoor
- UPCE 11 位元
- UPCE 11-Digit
- UPCE0 6 位元
- UPCE0 6-Digit
- UPCE1 6 位元
- UPCE1 6-Digit
- Upper-yardmen
- Upper-yardmen
- Usufruct
- UTB / Uitnodiging Tot Betaling
- UTB | Uitnodiging Tot Betaling
- Utilisation Rate
- 不乾淨提單
- 使用權
- 信用狀統一慣例(UCP)
- 利用率
- 单位成本
- 卸料機
- 卸貨 (Unloading)
- 單位列車
- 單位成本
- 單元化
- 單元裝載設備
- 單元裝載設備 (ULD)
- 單元負載裝置 (UND)
- 托運行李
- 最終收貨人
- 水下船體或水下船
- 空距
- 統一貨運分類(UFC)
- 缺量
- 美國海關邊境保護局
- 聯合國危險物品編號 (UNDG)
- 聯合國編號
- 聯合國貿易和運輸地點代碼
- 航行中
- 解纜
- 超大型原油船 (ULCC)
- 超大型貨櫃船(ULCS)
- 阿拉伯聯合航運公司(UASC)
- 餘裕水深
- Show Remaining Articles64 Collapse Articles
- Voyage Charter
- V-hull
- Validated Export License
- Valuable Cargo
- Valuation Challenge
- Valuation Charge
- Value Added Tax (VAT)
- Value Chain
- Value Proposition
- Vang
- Vang
- Vanishing angle
- Vanning
- Variable cost
- VAT (Value Added Tax) Number
- VAT(增值稅)號碼
- Vendor
- Ventilated Container
- Verified Copy of Bill of Lading (VC)
- Vertical Integration
- Vessel
- Vessel operating common carrier (VOCC)
- Vessel Supplies for Immediate Exportation (VSIE)
- Vessel Ton
- Viz
- Volatility
- Voltri Terminal Europa (VTE)
- Volume Charge
- Volume Rate
- Voyage
- Voyage Number
- V型船體
- 估值挑戰
- 估價費
- 供應商
- 價值主張
- 價值鏈
- 可視化
- 垂直整合
- 增值稅(VAT)
- 沃爾特里歐洲碼頭 (VTE)
- 波動性
- 消失角
- 範甯
- 經驗證的出口許可證
- 經驗證的提單副本 (VC )
- 航次
- 航程
- 船舶
- 船舶噸位
- 船舶營運公共承運人 (VOCC)
- 變動成本
- 貴重貨物
- 通風貨櫃
- 體積收費
- 體積率
- Show Remaining Articles43 Collapse Articles
- Waist
- Waiting Time
- Waiver Clause
- Wake
- Wales
- War Risk Insurance
- Warehouse
- Warehouse Entry
- Warehouse receipt
- Warehouse Withdrawal for Transportation (WDT)
- Warehouse Withdrawal for Transportation Exportation (WDT&E)
- Warehouse-to-Warehouse
- Warehousing
- Warsaw Convention
- Wash
- Watch
- Watercraft
- Waterway
- Waybill (WB)
- Waypoint
- Wear and Tear
- Wearing ship
- Weather deck
- Weather gage
- Weather side
- Weather working days (W.W.D.)
- Weatherly
- Weigh anchor
- Weight
- Weight Cargo
- Weight Charge
- Weight guarenteed (W.G.)
- Weight Load Factor
- Weight or measurement (W/M)
- Weight Ton
- Weight, Legal
- Weight/measurement (W/M)
- Wells
- Wharf
- Wharfage
- Wheel or ship's wheel
- Wheelhouse
- Whether in berth or not (W.I.B.O.N.)
- Whipstaff
- White horses or whitecaps
- Wide berth
- Wind-over-tide
- Windage
- Windbound
- Windlass
- Windward
- Windy Booking
- With Average
- With Particular Average
- With Particular Average
- With Particular Average
- Without Recourse
- Without Reserve
- World customs organisation
- World trade organisation (W.T.O.)
- Worm, serve, and parcel
- Worm, serve, and parcel
- Worm, serve, and parcel
- 世界貿易組織(WTO)
- 世界贸易组织(WTO)
- 仓单
- 仓库
- 仓库到仓库
- 倉單
- 倉庫
- 倉庫到倉庫
- 值班
- 值班
- 天气工作日 (W.W.D.)
- 天氣工作日 (W.W.D.)
- 宽泊位
- 寬泊位
- 平均海损
- 平均海損
- 无论是否在泊位(W.I.B.O.N.)
- 无追索权
- 无限制授权
- 气象计
- 氣象計
- 法定重量
- 法定重量
- 無論是否在泊位(W.I.B.O.N.)
- 無追索權
- 無限制授權
- 白浪
- 白浪
- 码头
- 碼頭
- 航点
- 航點
- 船腰
- 船腰
- 虚舱 (风单)
- 虛艙 (風單)
- 計重費
- 计重费
- 豁免条款
- 豁免條款
- 貨物重量
- 货物重量
- 起錨機
- 起锚机
- 輪子或船輪
- 轮子或船轮
- 迎風
- 迎风
- 重量
- 重量
- 重量/尺寸(宽/米)
- 重量/尺寸(寬/米)
- 重量保證(W.G.)
- 重量保证(W.G.)
- 重量吨
- 重量噸
- 重量或測量 (W/M)
- 露天甲板
- 露天甲板
- 風縛
- 風阻
- 风缚
- 风阻
- Show Remaining Articles111 Collapse Articles
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UN/LOCODE (United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations) is a geographic coding scheme developed and maintained by the United Nations.
Definition: A five-character code system used to identify locations relevant to international trade and transport, such as ports, airports, and inland freight terminals.
Purpose: To provide a standardized and universally accepted system for identifying locations, facilitating efficient logistics and transportation management.
Country Code: Two letters representing the country (e.g., US for the United States).
Location Code: Three characters representing the specific location within the country (e.g., NYC for New York City).
Shipping and Logistics: Used in shipping documents, tracking systems, and electronic data interchange to specify the origin, destination, and transit points of goods.
Trade Documentation: Helps in the accurate and consistent identification of locations, reducing errors and improving communication.
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Prohibited and Restricted Items: Shipping from Hong Kong to Germany(Opens in a new browser tab)