Reefer container FreightAmigo

Author Name: Emma Hau – Marketing Analyst at FreightAmigo|18/5/2022

Britannia P&I Club said that claims for reefer container goods damage have been going up in the last two years, in tandem with the growing refrigerator trade. The claims, related to allegedly damaged reefer container goods carried on Britannia P&I’s members’ vessels, amount to over US$6 million.
Britannia P&I said, “The number of reefer container goods claims has been rising recently, although from consulting with industry experts, the cause is unclear, and it is most likely due to a combination of factors.
Recent cases include claims of US$550,000 resulting from delayed reefer container repairs; US$500,000 for the unintentional thawing of 12 reefer container of tuna and US$335,000 for the temperature abuse of 27 reefer container of fruits.
The majority of claims arising, where a consignment is found in an apparent distressed condition upon receipt, are due to temperature abuse. This can occur due to a number of reasons, such as the goods being loaded whilst at a temperature significantly different from the carriage set-point temperature, and reefer container malfunctions.
Reefers should be stowed allowing safe access for periodic checking and for repairs to reduce the chance of similar accidents.

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