Prohibited and Restricted Items for Import into China

January 19th, 2024: Aurora Park – Marketing Analyst at FreightAmigo

Importing goods into China requires careful consideration of the country’s regulations on prohibited and restricted items. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the rules and restrictions imposed by the Chinese government on imports, ensuring that businesses and individuals can navigate the import process with confidence. From firearms and hazardous materials to certain food items and cultural relics, understanding what is prohibited and restricted is crucial for a successful import operation in China.

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  1. Introduction

China has specific regulations on importing certain goods, including prohibited and restricted items. These regulations aim to protect the country’s political, economic, cultural, and moral interests, as well as public health and safety. Understanding and adhering to these regulations is essential for anyone involved in the importation of goods into China.

  1. Prohibited Imports

Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives

China strictly prohibits the importation of arms, ammunition, and explosives of all kinds. These items pose significant risks to national security and public safety and are strictly controlled by the government.

Counterfeit Currencies and Negotiable Securities

Importing counterfeit currencies and negotiable securities is strictly prohibited in China. The circulation of counterfeit currencies undermines the stability of the financial system and is considered a criminal offense.

Harmful Printed Matter, Media, and Photographs

Printed matter, magnetic media, films, or photographs that are deemed detrimental to China’s political, economic, cultural, and moral interests are prohibited from entering the country. This includes materials that promote violence, pornography, or any content that goes against China’s values and principles.

Lethal Poisons and Illicit Drugs

China prohibits the importation of lethal poisons and illicit drugs. These substances pose significant risks to public health and safety and are subject to strict control measures.

Disease-Carrying Animals and Plants

To prevent the spread of diseases, China prohibits the importation of disease-carrying animals and plants. These restrictions aim to protect the country’s agriculture, environment, and public health.

Goods from Disease-Stricken Areas

Importing goods, including foods, medicines, and other articles, from disease-stricken areas is prohibited in China. This measure aims to prevent the spread of diseases and protect public health.

Used Garments and Local Currency

China prohibits the importation of old or used garments. Additionally, the importation of the local currency, Renminbi (RMB), is strictly prohibited.

Food Items with Harmful Additives

China restricts the importation of food items containing certain food colorings and additives deemed harmful to human health by the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC). These restrictions aim to protect consumers from potentially dangerous food products.

  1. Restricted Imports

In addition to the prohibited items, China also imposes restrictions on certain commodities related to the processing trade. The “Catalogue of Commodities Which are Restricted or Prohibited from Importing for Use in the Processing Trade” helps shift China’s processing trade towards commodities with higher technological content and greater value-added potential.

Processing Trade Commodities

The “Catalogue of Commodities Which are Restricted or Prohibited from Importing for Use in the Processing Trade” lists commodities that are restricted or prohibited for use in the processing trade. This measure encourages the importation of commodities with higher technological content and greater value-added potential.


China restricts the importation of publications with licentious content. These measures aim to protect domestic industries and promote the circulation of new products.

Radioactive or Harmful Industrial Waste

Importing radioactive or harmful industrial waste is restricted in China. These restrictions protect the environment and public health from the hazards associated with such waste.

Junk Cars, Used Automobiles, and Components

China restricts the importation of junk cars, used automobiles, and components. This measure aims to promote the development of the domestic automobile industry and ensure the safety and quality of imported vehicles.

Agricultural Products and Additives

Certain agricultural products, including seeds, seedlings, fertilizers, feed, additives, and antibiotics used in cultivation or breeding, are restricted from importation. These restrictions ensure the safety and quality of agricultural products in China.

Restricted Steel Products

China restricts the importation of certain steel products. These restrictions aim to protect domestic steel industries and ensure fair competition in the market.

  1. Wood Packaging Requirements

All wood packages imported into China must carry an International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) mark. This mark signifies that the wood packaging materials meet the standards set by the Measures for the Administration of Quarantine and Supervision of Wooden Packages of Imported Goods. Failure to comply with these requirements may subject the packages to further inspections and potential delays.

  1. Scrap Material Renewal Procedures

For the importation of scrap materials, China has specific renewal procedures that must be followed. The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection, and Quarantine (AQSIQ) issued a notice regarding the renewal procedures for the license and registration of overseas enterprises dealing with imported scrap materials. The application materials must be submitted to the Division of Inspection & Supervision at the address specified in the notice.

  1. Contacting China General Administration of Customs

It is essential for U.S. firms to contact the China General Administration of Customs for guidance regarding the importation of prohibited or restricted products. The China General Administration of Customs can provide the most up-to-date information and assistance in navigating the import process.

  1. Conclusion

Importing goods into China requires a thorough understanding of the regulations on prohibited and restricted items. By adhering to these regulations, businesses and individuals can ensure compliance with Chinese law and avoid potential penalties or delays. It is crucial to stay informed about the latest updates and consult with the appropriate authorities to ensure a smooth importation process. With the right knowledge and preparation, importing goods into China can be a successful venture.

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