How to Register as FreightAmigo Business Member?

Register as Business Member in 3 steps

We understand that managing customer relationships and business development take up a lot of your time. That’s why we are here to lend a helping hand. Our user-friendly platform offers easy and efficient supply chain management services, saving you valuable time and costs. So, get started now to register as Business Member in just 3 steps!

1. Sign Up as FreightAmigo Business Client

sign up, freightamigo



2. Fill out the Required Company Information

fill in business info - freightamigo - business



3. Upload your Company’s Registry Documents

(Select “Company Overview” first; then choose “Submit Company Registry Documents”; fill out the necessary information and upload your company’s registry documents.)

Upload company information, register business member, freightamigo


Once your verification is complete, you will be rewarded with multiple shipping discount codes worth a grand total of HK$6,800!

Keep an eye on your inbox for an email with all the exciting details upon successful registration. Sign Up Now for FREE.


Read more: Shipping Discounts 2024 | Unlock HK$6800 for Businesses
