Partnership with FreightAmigo : FHKI

About FHKI

The Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI) is the only statutory chamber established since 1960, empowering Hong Kong Industries to reach new heights of success over the years, catering for the need of startups, SMEs and multinational corporates and leading them in expanding market and enhancing international competitiveness.

Selected Partner Programs & Events


Organized by FHKI and Hong Kong Startup Council, 3rd STARS Programme aims to provide training and support through tailored mentorship programme. FreightAmigo, with its one-stop Supply Chain Finance eMarketPlace, won two awards of “Investors’ Favourite” and “Startup with the Greatest Potential”. The Industry recognition is an integral part to FreightAmigo of our growth and continued development.


Learn more:

Relevant Media Coverage


AI 物流格價平台 區塊鏈一站式貨運


【Hong Kong Startup Council】

Demo Fest引領玩具和電子業再創新猷


【Bastille Post】

打造數據標準化 智慧物流FreightAmigo 以「技」制勝


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