Reduce Hassle and Red Tape
FreightAmigo= Freightech + FinTech.
You can arrange customs clearance, cargo insurance and trade finance easily on platform. Logistics experts got your back!

Customs Clearance
There are thousands of customs clearance problems that could delay your shipment. No more worries! Arrange customs clearance on FreightAmigo platform by 1 click, you can take advantages of i.e. automated addresses validation via our database, digital commercial invoice, which effectively reduce human error and risk. Speed up the customs process with ease. Chat with our custom expert now!
Cargo Insurance
You knew there is risk, risk and risk during shipping. How can you manage your risk better? How many time and cost you spent for comparing cargo insurance plans from different insurers? Just 1 click away, get the insurance quote. FreightAmigo supply chain expertise always arrange the best solution for you.

Cargo Insurance
You knew there is risk, risk and risk during shipping. How can you manage your risk better? How many time and cost you spent for comparing cargo insurance plans from different insurers? Just 1 click away, get the insurance quote. FreightAmigo supply chain expertise always arrange the best solution for you.

Trade Finance
We understand cash flow and risk management is important for you. Enjoy to book the freight and arrange trade finance by 1 stop. FreightAmigo use technology to optimize the management of working capital and liquidity in your supply chain. We are exerting our utmost to give full supports to our clients ’business prosperity.