The Advantages of Shared Truckload Shipping: Cost Savings and Efficiency

The trucking industry has faced significant challenges in recent years, with the current downturn being one of the toughest since the 2008 financial crisis. However, amidst the uncertainty, there is a glimmer of hope in the form of shared truckload (STL) shipping. By leveraging the benefits of STL, shippers can not only save costs but also improve efficiency and reduce their environmental impact.

Latest update on 26 January, 2024 by Aurora Park– Marketing Analyst at FreightAmigo

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Understanding Shared Truckload Shipping

Shared truckload, as the name suggests, involves the consolidation of multiple shipments from different shippers onto a single truck for direct delivery. This innovative approach to freight transportation offers several advantages over traditional less than truckload (LTL) and full truckload (TL) shipping methods.

Cost Savings and Efficiency

One of the primary benefits of shared truckload shipping is the potential for substantial cost savings. By sharing trailer space with other shippers, companies can maximize the utilization of transportation resources and reduce wasted space. This translates into significant savings in terms of fuel costs, labor expenses, and other operational overheads. In fact, studies have shown that shippers can save up to 20% by using shared truckload instead of traditional shipping methods.

Moreover, shared truckload shipping can also lead to improved efficiency. Unlike LTL shipments that often involve multiple stops at hubs or terminals, shared truckload shipments are direct and uninterrupted. This means faster transit times and reduced risk of delays. Additionally, the streamlined nature of shared truckload shipping minimizes the likelihood of damages, lost items, and theft, ensuring a more reliable and secure transportation process.

Environmental Benefits

In recent years, sustainability has become a key focus for businesses across industries. The transportation sector, in particular, is a significant contributor to carbon emissions. Shared truckload shipping offers a greener alternative by reducing waste and cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions. By consolidating multiple shipments onto a single truck, shared truckload eliminates the need for unnecessary trips and minimizes the energy consumption associated with LTL hubs. Studies have shown that shared truckload shipping can reduce emissions by up to 40%, making it a more environmentally friendly option.

Is Shared Truckload a Good Fit for Your Business?

While shared truckload offers compelling advantages, it is essential to consider if it aligns with your specific shipping requirements. Shared truckload is particularly suitable for LTL shipments that fall within a certain size range, typically around 48 linear feet or 1 to 24 pallets. If your shipments fit within these parameters, shared truckload can be an excellent fit for your business.

To determine if shared truckload is right for you, it is crucial to analyze your shipment data. Reviewing your past 30 to 90-day shipment history can provide insights into whether there are opportunities to lower costs and improve efficiency by utilizing shared truckload shipping. Evaluating your data will help identify if you have been paying for wasted space and if there is potential for cost savings through consolidation.

The Advantages of Shared Truckload Shipping for Shippers

Shared truckload shipping offers a range of benefits for shippers, from cost savings to environmental sustainability. Here are some of the key advantages of adopting shared truckload as part of your transportation strategy:

1. Cost Savings

One of the most significant advantages of shared truckload shipping is the potential for cost savings. By sharing trailer space with other shippers, you can maximize the utilization of transportation resources and reduce wasted space. This leads to lower fuel costs, reduced labor expenses, and overall operational savings. Studies have shown that shippers can save up to 20% by using shared truckload instead of traditional shipping methods.

2. Efficiency and Speed

Shared truckload shipments offer improved efficiency and faster transit times compared to traditional less than truckload (LTL) shipping. With shared truckload, there are no mandatory stops at hubs or terminals, allowing for direct transportation from the origin to the destination. This streamlined process reduces the risk of delays and ensures faster delivery of your goods.

3. Reliability and Security

Shared truckload shipments provide a higher level of reliability and security compared to LTL shipping. Since the shipments are consolidated and loaded onto a single truck, there is a reduced risk of damages, lost items, and theft. Furthermore, shared truckload shipments do not involve the handling and transloading typically associated with LTL hubs, minimizing the potential for transit-related damages.

4. Environmental Sustainability

As businesses increasingly focus on sustainability, shared truckload shipping offers a more environmentally friendly option. By consolidating multiple shipments onto a single truck, shared truckload reduces the number of empty or underutilized vehicles on the road. This leads to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to a greener and more sustainable transportation industry.

Implementing Shared Truckload Shipping

To take advantage of shared truckload shipping, it is crucial to partner with a reliable and experienced logistics provider. Working with a freight broker that specializes in shared truckload can help you navigate the complexities of this shipping method and ensure a seamless transportation process.

A reputable shared truckload provider will have a network of carriers and the necessary technology to optimize your shipments. They will leverage their expertise to match your shipments with other compatible loads and maximize the utilization of trailer space. Additionally, they will handle the logistics of coordinating pickups, deliveries, and any necessary cross-docking or consolidation.


In conclusion, shared truckload shipping offers significant advantages for shippers looking to save costs, improve efficiency, and reduce their environmental impact. By leveraging shared truckload, businesses can maximize the utilization of transportation resources, reduce wasted space, and lower operational expenses. Additionally, shared truckload shipping provides faster transit times, enhanced reliability, and improved security compared to traditional shipping methods. Moreover, the environmental benefits of shared truckload, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions, make it an attractive option for businesses committed to sustainability.

To reap the benefits of shared truckload shipping, it is essential to partner with a reliable logistics provider with expertise in this area. By working with a freight broker specializing in shared truckload, you can optimize your shipments, streamline your supply chain, and achieve cost savings while contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

There are different options for cargo transportation. If you want to choose the most convenient and suitable solution, it is best to have the full support of logistics experts! If you are planning to ship goods overseas, please go to the FreightAmigo page for inquiries.