BIMCO, FreightAmigo

What is Federal Maritime Commission (FMC)?

Latest update on 29 April, 2024 by Aiden Ng – Marketing Analyst at FreightAmigo

The Federal Maritime Commission ( FMC ) is a key federal agency established in 1961 to oversee the US international ocean transportation system and provide a safeguard against unfair and deceptive practices.  FreightAmigo provides this guide to what the FMC is, highlighting its evolution from the regulatory bodies established after World War I to ensure fair shipping costs for American exporters and consumers.

The Role and Functions of the FMC

Regulatory Responsibilities

  • Monitoring and Reviewing Agreements: The FMC reviews and monitors agreements among ocean common carriers, marine terminal operators, and other stakeholders. This oversight ensures that these agreements do not unfairly escalate transportation costs or degrade service quality.
  • Ensuring Compliance: The FMC is vigilant in ensuring that all statutory and regulatory requirements concerning rates, fees, and surcharges are met. This includes monitoring actions taken by ocean common carriers related to these financial aspects.
  • Addressing Unfavorable Conditions: The FMC is authorized to act against non-market barriers that burden U.S. foreign commerce, ensuring that international trade is not adversely affected by unfair shipping conditions.

Protective Roles

  • Dispute Resolution: The FMC provides a platform for resolving disputes related to cargo, personal or household goods, and issues between cruise vessel operators and passengers. This role is crucial in maintaining trust and fairness in international ocean transportation.
  • Consumer Protection: Ensuring that cruise lines maintain financial responsibility to cover claims for personal injury or death and to reimburse passengers for non-performance is another key protective function of the FMC.
  • Licensing and Regulation: The FMC licenses ocean transportation intermediaries, ensuring they have adequate financial backing and maintain honest practices, especially regarding cargo labeling and tariff rates.

Operational Functions

  • Informal and Formal Investigations: The FMC conducts both informal and formal investigations to ensure fair practices within the maritime industry. This includes holding hearings, considering evidence, and rendering decisions.
  • Information Dissemination: The agency plays a vital role in distributing information about its jurisdiction, programs, and operations to stakeholders such as ocean common carriers, marine terminal operators, and the general public.
  • Regulatory Processes Administration: The FMC administers regulatory processes, issues appropriate orders, and implements regulations to maintain the integrity and efficiency of the maritime transport sector.

Key Regulations and Acts Enforced by the FMC

Implementation of Modern Regulations

The FMC not only enforces historical statutes but also implements modern regulatory frameworks to adapt to contemporary challenges in maritime transportation:

  • Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2022 (OSRA): This recent act focuses on modernizing and improving the regulatory conditions governing the shipping industry, ensuring that the FMC’s regulations evolve with the changing dynamics of global trade.

Enforcement and Compliance Mechanisms

The FMC employs various enforcement actions and compliance mechanisms to uphold these regulations:

  • Formal and Informal Enforcement Actions: These include civil penalties and adjudication decisions to ensure compliance with maritime laws. The FMC uses a uniform fine assessment system to deal with violations effectively.
  • Streamlined Enforcement Processes: Recent rules have enhanced the efficiency and flexibility of the FMC’s enforcement strategies, allowing for quicker resolutions and better compliance management.

FMC’s Impact on Global Shipping and Commerce

Transparency in Tariff Rates and Charges

The Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) plays a critical role in ensuring transparency within the global shipping industry. One of its key responsibilities is to ensure that tariff rates and charges by common carriers are not only published but also accessible to the public. This transparency aids in maintaining fair pricing practices across international shipping routes, which is essential for global trade efficiency.

Monitoring and Regulation of Government-Controlled Carriers

The FMC actively monitors the rates, charges, and rules set by government-owned or controlled carriers. This oversight is crucial in preventing any unfavorable conditions that could arise from monopolistic practices or governmental interference in the free market. By maintaining a vigilant watch over these entities, the FMC helps ensure a level playing field in international shipping trades.

Addressing Unfavorable International Shipping Conditions

The FMC’s regulatory scope extends to addressing and rectifying unfavorable conditions caused by foreign governments or business practices that could harm U.S.-foreign shipping trades. This function is vital in safeguarding U.S. interests in international maritime commerce and promoting fair trade practices globally.

Maintenance of a Responsive U.S. Liner Fleet

In addition to regulatory functions, the FMC maintains a fleet of U.S. liner vessels that are capable of responding to potential international conflicts. This strategic reserve of vessels enhances the United States’ capacity to support its maritime logistics needs in times of international tension or conflict, thereby contributing to national security and global trade stability.


The FMC oversees international ocean transportation, ensuring fairness, competition, and consumer protection. It monitors agreements, enforces compliance, and maintains a competitive supply system. With a focus on transparency and resolving disputes, the FMC promotes fair trade practices globally. If you are planning to ship to the USA, you can ship your freight through FreightAmigo to ensure a smooth shipping process.

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Kenneth Poon