Electronic Shipping Instruction (ESI)

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Electronic Shipping Instruction (ESI)

Electronic Shipping Instructions (ESI) refer to the digital version of shipping instructions, provided by the exporter or their agent to the carrier, containing comprehensive details of the cargo, involved parties, and transportation requirements. ESI replaces the traditional paper-based shipping instructions, enabling a more efficient and streamlined process. By using electronic formats such as electronic data interchange (EDI) or web-based platforms, ESI allows for faster and more accurate communication between exporters and carriers. ESI provides a standardized and structured format for conveying essential information, facilitating the creation of the Bill of Lading by the carrier. With ESI, exporters can transmit shipping instructions electronically, reducing paperwork, enhancing data accuracy, and expediting the shipping process.


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【Logistics 101】 Understanding the Significance of a Shipper’s Letter of Instruction in International Trade